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   In 2005 (when I was 4) I had started singing the songs I wrote in front of my relatives. The songs were actually really good for my age, but then again, I had read at least half of a small dictionary. Around that time, I was given an old Dell Windows XP desktop computer. I had explored the files more than the internet, and I discovered Windows Movie Maker. My sister, Farah, made me a YouTube account when I told her about it so I could upload videos about conspiracies, music, or even very weird MS Paint videos.

  In November of 2007 when Rock Band had been released, we got all of the instruments, including the mic. I noticed the mic could be plugged into the computer, and I plugged it in. I had seen another program called Sound Recorder, and I decided to try it out. The Mic's quality was great. So, I went to Windows Movie Maker and figured out that I could record sound from there too, so there I was, making videos from MS Paint, Windows Movie Maker, and a Rock Band mic which I put next to the speakers to record sound.

   Later, I had thought of making my own music. I had heard of Fruity Loops 8, but we didn't have the money. I decided to try to combine songs that had similar tempo..... my first was Eminem's Love the Way You Lie VS. Not Afraid. My name on YouTube was MarkyKill68, but I went under the name DJ KILLJOY because I had recently started playing Halo 3, and when I got the Killjoy medal, I jumped for joy. It sounded awesome too. What doesn't sound awesome, is the fact I chose I word that meant "a person who deliberately spoils the enjoyment of others through resentful or overly sober behavior." The name is still pretty freaking cool in my opinion.

   A few months later my account was removed because of some copyright stuff (which was a stupid reason to remove me), and I decided that that would be the end of it. 5 years later, I got a new laptop and a set of headphones, plus the demo for FL Studio 10, and I had forgotten about my YouTube channel. I had made a mix between Skrillex's Hey Sexy Lady remix and Linkin Park's Blackout, and a mix between Daft Punk and deadmau5 in mau5trap. 

  A few sleepless nights later, I fell asleep in my chair with my headphones on with music still playing. I had a dream that I had my Dell desktop pc, and I had made a video that got 1,500,000 hits. I woke up, and the FL Studio demo was in front of me, but I would soon have NI Massive and the Producer Edition of FL Studio 11. 

My Name is Thomas Gothenburg, and I am ALBINOXIC.


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